- A rapidly growing worldwide fellowship of approximately 15 million
- Christians who love Jesus Christ and strive to make Him the center of all we believe and do
- The church that is eager to share the truth about what God is really like – as seen in the life of Jesus
- Christians who accept the Bible as our authority for what to believe and how to live
- A Christian fellowship that worship on the biblical Sabbath and look forward to the soon return of Jesus
- A community of Christ deeply interested in health – health of mind, body, and spirit
Do I have to be a Seventh-day Adventist to send my child to Kona Adventist Christian School?
No. Depending on the year, about 25-50% of our students come from families of other faiths.
Does my child have to adhere to dietary restrictions when attending Kona Adventist Christian School?
No. Kona Adventist Christian School does not have a prepared lunch program, so students generally need to bring their own lunches. There are no dietary restrictions on lunches the students bring from home.
As a church family, Adventists have a long history in healthful living. Therefore, as part of the school health curriculum, teachers promote a wholesome diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods, foods low in fat and sugar, and the avoidence of caffeinated soft drinks and alcoholic beverages.
Are all Adventists vegetarians?
No. About 50% of adventists are vegetarian and only a small percentage of these are vegan (no meat or meat products such as milk, eggs, and cheese). The majority of adventist vegetarians include milk, eggs, and cheese in their diet. Adventist families do not eat pork or shellfish. At Kona Adventist Christian School we encourage students to be respectful and sensitive to the belief systems and values of all students.